Members, volunteers and sponsors are the lifeblood of the Rivanna Conservation Society. RCS members can serve on the Board of Directors, serve as Committee Chairs, participate in Committees and volunteer at our fun events. Ask us about the river steward network.
(Board member since 2010) Jack trained in the history of technology and has taught a variety of subjects at UVA since 1992, mostly history, ethics, and writing. Jack is widely published and has received a number of professional awards. He lives in Charlottesville since 1985, is married and has two children. Beyond a range of volunteer and service work relating to his profession, Jack has been active in his neighborhood association and in the Alliance of Neighborhoods, an umbrella group of neighborhoods in the city and county. He also served for four years as an officer and director of the Rivanna Rowing Club, a local non-profit. He rows (scull) regularly on the Rivanna, another factor leading to his interest in RCS.