Past Events › Workshop

Toads, Frogs and Critters of the Night Workshop

Co-hosted by the Rivanna Conservation Society and the Virginia Master Naturalists at the Scheier Natural Area, 917 Long Acre Road, Palmyra, VA.  Participants will identify and listen to the sounds of the night which include frogs, toads and other critters that live in the woods, in or around the Scheier ponds.  With flashlights, participants will explore [...]

Pond Ecology Workshop

At the Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Road, Palmyra, VA. This is a Free Event, but for planning purposes, we ask that you register at Our leader will be RCS member, Master Naturalist and educator Ida Swenson. For more information, see, email or call (434) 97-RIVER.

Edible and Medicinal Plants Workshop

Edible and Medicinal Plants Workshop at the Scheier Natural Area in Fluvanna County.  917 Long Acre Road, Palmyra, VA 22963.  Our guide for this popular workshop will be Rich Meeker.  Rain or Shine - This is a free event but for planning purposes, we ask that you register at


Advanced Friction Fire Workshop

Come learn about how to start a field fire anywhere - $25 fee. Please forward check to RCS PO Box 1501, Charlottesville VA 22002

StreamWatch Benthic Family Level ID & Advanced Training – Feb 13th

North Side Library 705 Rio Rd W, Charlottesville, VA, United States

It's recommended that active StreamWatch monitors attend 1 advanced training a year.  Please email Anne if you would like to attend.  If you have attended an introductory StreamWatch benthic training you are welcome to sign up. We will be going over family level ID and other questions about benthic monitoring.

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