Events for July 9, 2022 - March 20, 2022

Primitive Skills and Survival Workshop

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

Come join us for this consistently popular workshop! You will learn about how to build foul weather shelters, how to secure water, how to make cordage and build a fire. Steve Pullinger will again be the workshop leader.  



Ivy Creek Natural Area Education Building 1780 Earlysville Rd, Charlottesville, VT, United States

Come celebrate World Water Day with some of your favorite organizations.  The Ivy Creek Foundation, the Rivanna Conservation Alliance, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle and the Rivanna Water and Sewer authority are working together to provide the community with the opportunity to learn about Ivy Creek, the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir [...]

Free Event

Bird Identification Workshop

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

CANCELLED BECAUSE OF BAD WEATHER.  We will reschedule for late spring or early fall. Birds are beautiful and fascinating. And, the birds are often a bellwether for climate changes, environmental health, and emotional well-being. Come joins us for this workshop where you can learn more about these amazing creatures, come join us at Scheier Natural [...]



Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

With the spring comes flowers, warmer weather and lots of living creatures that inhabit the woods.  Come learn about the Toads, Frogs and Night Critters. Please bring your flashlights and camera, as these are sights to behold. Hot cocoa and s'mores will be provides starting at 7:30 pm. Workshop Leaders: Ida Swenson and Terrie Wood. [...]


Celebration & Open House

RCA Office 1150 River Road, Charlottesville, VA, United States

The Rivanna Conservation Alliance has moved to a new office location - 1150 River Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Come join us for our Celebration & Open House from 3:00pm - 6:30pm. The Program at 4:00pm Includes the Presentation by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service's Southern Region Earth Team Award to RCA. This awards builds upon [...]

Free Event

Tri Sigma Sorority Cleanup

Thanks to the fantastic women of the Tri Sigma Sorority for spending their Friday afternoon cleaning up River Road.  Their efforts support RCA's commitment to clean up trash and debris along the road and the Rivanna River.

Rivanna River Sojourn

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Come join the Rivanna Conservation Alliance and its River Stewards for a late afternoon paddle on the beautiful Rivanna River as you support the work RCA does to keep the river and the watershed health.  We will be cleaning the river and collecting trash along the paddle. The biennial Rivanna River will take place on [...]


S&P Global Rivanna Cleanup

S&P Global conducted an amazing cleanup at the new RCA Office Location at 1150 River Road - along the Rivanna River. Twenty Five S&P employees devoted more than 100 hours to this cleanup that took more than 2 truck loads to dispatch.

Rivanna River Regatta

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Rivanna River Race Information  All information about the May 12, 2018 Rivanna Canoe & Kayak Race has moved over to this year. Here is a link directly to the information page where you may register online and also print out the ACA Waiver and bring it with you on race day.

Rivanna River Fishing Tournament

Free Bridge Charlottesville, VA

May 19, 2018 - Sat 8 AM · Location: Rivanna River Company · Free Bridge - Rt. 250 at High St. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Rivanna River Fishing Tournament 1st Annual Rivanna River Fishing Tournament(Paddle-Powered, Catch-Photo-Release, Supports Conservation).  Location:  1538 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 – Call for more details 434 218-2052 Rivanna Conservation Alliance is a partner [...]

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