Events for July 9, 2022 - March 20, 2022

MLK Day of Service Self-Guided Cleanup

MLK Day of Service is the only federal holiday designated as a time to support your community through service. RCA is making it easy for families, individuals, and groups to take care of the Rivanna River watershed on this day by providing cleanup supplies and support for the location and time of your choosing. Register [...]

Invasive Vine Removal and Cleanup

Help restore natural habitat at Riverview Park! Volunteers will remove invasive species along the Rivanna River guided by the Rivanna Conservation Alliance, City of Charlottesville, and the Nature Conservancy. To sign up and learn more, visit

Albemarle County Stream Health Initiative Community Kickoff

Albemarle County will host a community meeting to introduce the Stream Health Initiative which aims to develop recommended strategies for improving stream health in Albemarle County using a collaborative and inclusive process. Additional details and meeting links can be found on their project website.

Live Staking on the Rivanna

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Live staking is a riverbank stabilization technique which uses dormant tree and shrub cuttings to reduce sediment load in rivers. We will access the riverbank locations via canoe and wade along unstable and muddy banks. Volunteers should be comfortable navigating the river by boat as well as entering and exiting the canoe from the water. [...]

Live Staking on the Rivanna

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Live staking is a riverbank stabilization technique which uses dormant tree and shrub cuttings to reduce sediment load in rivers. We will access the riverbank locations via canoe and wade along unstable and muddy banks. Volunteers should be comfortable navigating the river by boat as well as entering and exiting the canoe from the water. [...]

Tree Planting for Stream Buffer

Join us to help protect clean water! Riparian buffers are essential to clean, healthy streams. Vegetated stream banks filter pollutants, provide habitat, and prevent erosion. During this workday, we will work individually and distanced to plant bare root saplings along a stream corridor. All tools and instruction will be provided. Please bring water and dress [...]

Rivanna River Cleanup

Brook Hill Park 2009 Rio Mills Rd, Earlysville, VA

Sunday, April 25! In preparation for the Rivanna River Race, we will be conducting a cleanup and safety paddle from Brook Hill River Park to Rivanna River Company. Participants will need to arrange their own shuttle and provide their own boats. Kayaks and canoes can be rented through the Rivanna River Company at Register [...]

Rivanna RiverFest

The Rivanna RiverFest started in 2019 as a community celebration of the Rivanna River, hosted by multiple groups. This year, the Rivanna RiverFest will run for more than a week (May 1-9) and include a range of activities. Most require advanced registration and spots are very limited, so sign-up soon. The Rivanna River Race registration [...]

Rivanna River Race

Brook Hill Park 2009 Rio Mills Rd, Earlysville, VA

Join us for the 15th Annual Rivanna River Race: an exciting downriver canoe & kayak race that runs 6.8-miles from the Route 29 Bridge at Rio Mills Road to the Rivanna River Company, just south of Free Bridge. For more information and to register, visit:  

$40 – $50

Clean the Bay Day 2021 Cleanup

Schenks Branch Charlottesville, VA, United States

Join RCA staff for a Clean the Bay Day stream cleanup at Schenks Branch in Charlottesville. We will be working in areas of thick vegetation, so please wear long pants and sturdy shoes that can get wet. We will have all cleanup supplies and gloves available. Sign up here: Contact with any questions.

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