Events for January 20, 2024 - July 15, 2023

Rivanna River Regatta

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Rivanna River Race Information  All information about the May 12, 2018 Rivanna Canoe & Kayak Race has moved over to this year. Here is a link directly to the information page where you may register online and also print out the ACA Waiver and bring it with you on race day.

Rivanna River Fishing Tournament

Free Bridge Charlottesville, VA

May 19, 2018 - Sat 8 AM · Location: Rivanna River Company · Free Bridge - Rt. 250 at High St. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Rivanna River Fishing Tournament 1st Annual Rivanna River Fishing Tournament(Paddle-Powered, Catch-Photo-Release, Supports Conservation).  Location:  1538 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 – Call for more details 434 218-2052 Rivanna Conservation Alliance is a partner [...]



Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

Pond ecology tells us a lot about the health of aquatic life, the environment and water quality. And, tadpoles are great fun to catch, examine and release. Come join us for a workshop at the Scheier Natural Area where there are 8 different ponds to explore: Our Workshop Leader is RCA Member, Master Naturalist and [...]



Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

POSTPONED TILL JUNE 9 POND STUDY WORKSHOP Due to the heavy rain, the workshop scheduled for Scheier Natural Area this Saturday is being postponed to Saturday, June 9, from 9:00 am - 11:00am. (NOTE TIME CHANGE from original workshop). For more information, call Ida Swenson at 434-589-2777, or to register go to Boots and [...]


Summer Woods Hike

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

Summer is a wonderful time to explore the woods, it flora, fauna and the peace that comes with experiencing nature.  So come join us at RCA's Scheier Natural Area in Fluvanna County for the Summer Woods Hike. When: June 10, 2018 Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Where: Scheier Natural Area Address: 917 Long Acre [...]

Free Event

Stormwater Landscapes: Using Native Plant Communities for Design

Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, United States

This class covers site assessment, research, and creation of species lists and installation plans for assemblages of plants. Participants will understand how design choices can support greater habitat value for wildlife and biodiversity through the use of appropriately selected native plants. Instructor: David Hirschman $85 early/$100 after June 25 includes lunch 6.5 CBLP CEUs [...]


Rivanna River Renaissance Conference

Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Join us for the 2018 Rivanna River Renaissance Conference Friday, September 28, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Albemarle County Office Building – 401 McIntire Rd. To see Program & Register, visit or 434-979-7310 Learn about River redevelopment projects in Roanoke VA and Greenville SC. Hear an update on Phase 1 of the Rivanna [...]

FLOW: The Rivanna River Arts Festival

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Join us for FLOW: The Rivanna River Arts Festival on Saturday, September, 29th, along the Rivanna Trail! The event starts at 11:00 AM at Darden Towe's Boat Ramp. Chroma Projects is collaborating with The Rivanna Conservation Alliance to bring you this one day celebration of our river.  The Front Porch Musicians, McGuffey Art Center, the Rivanna River Company, [...]

Pond Ecology Workshop

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

RESCHEDULED FROM SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 Come join Master Naturalist and RCA's StreamWatch Monitor Ida Swenson for a “deep dive” into the living things in the ponds at RCA’s Scheier Natural Area, located at 917 Long Acre Road, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ida will furnish most of the equipment but you will want to bring your own [...]

FLOWtilla: The Spontaneous Decorated Boat Parade & Competition

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

FLOWtilla: The Spontaneous Decorated Boat Parade & Competition. Saturday, September 29th A $500 award will be given to the most creative design! As a fun feature of FLOW, Chroma Projects and The Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center (LCEC) invite everyone to decorate a floating device and join in the parade. It's a delight-filled thing to do with your kids! [...]

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