Events for May 16, 2023 - April 29, 2023

Frog, Toad, and Night Critters Workshop

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

The Rivanna Conservation Alliance, the Rivanna Master Naturalists & Friends of Scheier Invite You to Join the Frog, Toad, and Night Critters Workshop. Where: Scheier Natural Area, 917 Long Acre Rd., Palmyra When: Friday, April 12, 2019 from 7:30pm – 10:00pm What: Participants will identify/listen to the sounds of the night - frogs, toads, and [...]

Community Meeting to Present a Stream Health Study of the North Fork Rivanna River

PVCC Eugene Giuseppe Center 222 Main Street, Stanardsville, VA, United States

Calling all North Fork Rivanna River Watershed Residents: The North Fork Rivanna River watershed includes all of the land area that drains to the river and its tributaries when it rains. Monitoring of aquatic insects that live on the stream bottom has shown that something is bugging the bugs in the North Fork Rivanna River [...]

Earth Day River Cleanup

Help RCA clean local waterways! Join other volunteers to help remove garbage and debris from the Rivanna River Trail in Charlottesville. To sign up, please e-mail RCA at We will send a confirmation e-mail with additional details. Hope to see you there!

City Nature Challenge

Which city on Earth has the most nature and the most engaged residents? The City Nature Challenge aims to find out! The City Nature Challenge encourages people to discover and document the biodiversity of our urban spaces. Join thousands of people from around the globe to get outside and explore your world. The Nature Conservancy [...]

Rivanna Paddle and Clean-up

Come paddle with RCA and help clean the Rivanna River!  Join RCA and other volunteers to help remove garbage and debris while paddling down the Rivanna from Rio Mills Road to the Rivanna River Company. The paddle trip will be guided by the RCA River Stewards, and boat rentals and shuttles will be provided by [...]

Rivanna River Race

Join us for the 14th annual Rivanna River Race, part of the 2019 Rivanna RiverFest! Saturday May 11th, 2019 This exciting downriver canoe & kayak race runs 6.2-miles from the Route 29 Bridge at Rio Mills Road to Darden Towe Park. Check back soon for more information. Interested in being in involved with Rivanna River Race? [...]


Join us for the first annual spring RIVANNA RIVERFEST! On Saturday May 11th, 2019, we invite everyone to join us and enjoy the Rivanna River and check out Rivanna RiverFest! This family-friendly event will connect everyone to the Rivanna River and Charlottesville environment. We will have water sports, a run through the park, art activities, music, monitoring [...]

Fridays After Five – Volunteers needed!

Sprint Pavilion 700 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Help RCA serve at Fridays after 5 to help fundraise for the organization while having fun! Please contact justinaltice [at] to sign up for a slot.

Fridays After 5 – Volunteers Needed!

Sprint Pavilion 700 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Help RCA serve at Fridays after 5 to help fundraise for the organization while having fun! Please contact justinaltice [at] to sign up for a slot.

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