Events for February 15, 2023 - July 12, 2022

Rivanna River Renaissance Conference

Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Join us for the 2018 Rivanna River Renaissance Conference Friday, September 28, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Albemarle County Office Building – 401 McIntire Rd. To see Program & Register, visit or 434-979-7310 Learn about River redevelopment projects in Roanoke VA and Greenville SC. Hear an update on Phase 1 of the Rivanna [...]

FLOW: The Rivanna River Arts Festival

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

Join us for FLOW: The Rivanna River Arts Festival on Saturday, September, 29th, along the Rivanna Trail! The event starts at 11:00 AM at Darden Towe's Boat Ramp. Chroma Projects is collaborating with The Rivanna Conservation Alliance to bring you this one day celebration of our river.  The Front Porch Musicians, McGuffey Art Center, the Rivanna River Company, [...]

Pond Ecology Workshop

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

RESCHEDULED FROM SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 Come join Master Naturalist and RCA's StreamWatch Monitor Ida Swenson for a “deep dive” into the living things in the ponds at RCA’s Scheier Natural Area, located at 917 Long Acre Road, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ida will furnish most of the equipment but you will want to bring your own [...]

FLOWtilla: The Spontaneous Decorated Boat Parade & Competition

Darden Towe Park 1445 Darden Towe Park Road,, Charlottesville

FLOWtilla: The Spontaneous Decorated Boat Parade & Competition. Saturday, September 29th A $500 award will be given to the most creative design! As a fun feature of FLOW, Chroma Projects and The Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center (LCEC) invite everyone to decorate a floating device and join in the parade. It's a delight-filled thing to do with your kids! [...]


Primitive & Survival Skills Workshop 101

Scheier Natural Area 917 Long Acre Rd, Palmyra, VA, United States

You're caught in an urban or natural disaster - could you survive till help arrives?  The Primitive & Survival Skills Workshop 101 will cover the basic skill sets needed to keep you alive - - Building a shelter without tools, - Finding and purifying water, - Making cordage - rope, - Making a fire, without [...]



Fire and Rescue Station 828 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia

YES THE CLEANUP IS ON!!! Schenks Branch is in need of a Deep Clean, especially after the rain and floods of this past season.  Trash has collected in the stream bed and needs to be removed. Can you helps us clean up along the John Warner Parkway at Rt. 250? We'll be meeting at the [...]


Cleanup at Meadow Creek with TNC

Join The Nature Conservancy to clean up your watershed! TNC is looking for 30 volunteers to help remove plastic bottles, cans and other debris from a stretch of Meadow Creek in Charlottesville, preventing the trash from reaching the nation’s largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay. Meadow Creek is located near the intersection of Hydraulic Road and [...]

Bacteria Monitoring: Level III Training

RCA Office 1150 River Rd, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA, United States

This training is for new volunteers interested in the Bacteria Monitoring Program. No previous experience is needed. Please contact with questions or to register.

Watch Party for RCA’s Episode of Charlottesville Inside Out

Kardinal Hall 722 Preston Ave, Ste 101, Charlottesville, VA

RCA is being featured on an episode of Charlottesville Inside Out on our local PBS station, WHTJ!   Please join us at a watch party Thursday, February 7th at Kardinal Hall (722 Preston Ave, Charlottesville). RCA has reserved a separate room that will open at 7:30, and the show will air at 8:30. Come early to get dinner and/or drinks, settle in, and enjoy the [...]

Volunteer Event: Vine Cutting along the Rivanna River

RCA Office 1150 River Rd, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Help RCA and the City of Charlottesville clear invasive vines that damage native vegetation and block views of the Rivanna River. Meet at the RCA office (1150 River Road) at 8:45 am and we will walk to the Rivanna River Trail at 9:00 am. Wear work clothes and close-toed shoes. RSVP to: Looking forward [...]

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