Research conducted and descriptions written by Burley Middle School 6th grade students in 2023 with minor editing by RCA staff.
Other common names for this plant are mistflower, wild ageratum, or blue boneset. Its Latin name is Conoclinium coelestinum. The flower looks soft and spiky, and it has a very bright lavender purple color that blooms in the late summer and early fall. It can grow up to three feet tall, and the ideal habitat is full to partial sun. The blue mistflower attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees, as it provides sugar and nectar. It is resistant to pests and diseases, for example it is very resistant to deer because of its bitter taste. It is a very tough plant and can spread really quickly, which is why it was planted in this habitat.
Fun fact: It is called mistflower because of how it likes to live in very moist areas, so misty places are a very good habitat for this flower. It was thought that they grow out of the mist!